Top 10 Ways To Succeed In Business

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Here is an excellent post from Six Figure Starts BLOG entitled Top 10 Ways To Succeed In Business.

I especially liked #7

Lead whatever initiatives you can: United Way Campaigns, Corporate Responsibility Taskforces, Softball team organizers … this allows you to get to know a lot of folks and putting on quality initiatives are always a good way to shine.

In every company I’ve worked I’ve always tried to participate in or lead initiatives – take for example in the last company I was with, I had volunteered to do first-round interviews of university students that would complete their one-year work experience with us.  Most of the people we interviewed and that were selected for a 2nd interview ended up being offered jobs after they graduated.  I cannot remember anyone that was hired that did not work out.

Getting involved shows pride in what you do and what your company does.  It also allows you to network with those within the company that you may not normally work with directly.

In fact, #3 on the list talks about just that – networking.

Here is the link to the post –

This post originally written on August 6, 2009